We love giving fans exciting, new reasons to stay engaged with their favorite brands through CCG play: Regularly delivering new card mechanics for players to explore, and developing community platforms where players discuss the latest play strategies.

Each great CCG is deeply rooted to its community. We may design the mechanics and the sets, but the community discovers the great card combinations that define the metagame. Throughout a game's life, the community becomes its storytellers with every match they play. Our job is to provide them with the proper tools and ecosystems to let their stories grow.

We love supporting fans by giving them:

  • Something new for their decks and collections, every month.
  • Playable content and events they can enjoy every week, in PvE and PvP.
  • A community ecosystem where they can debate and discuss the latest strategies every day.


Our games allow fans to go as deep into their favorite character-based IP as they want to go, with a steady stream of new content that allows them to stay engaged as often as they desire. A favorite IP hero may bring them into the game for their first taste, but soon more favorites are discovered as players and heroes bond through deck exploration and matchplay. This ability to constantly go broader and deeper – while still remaining accessible to new players – is what gives our games a great opportunity to be evergreen.


Shipped on every major platform over the last eight years, our team has poured decades of experience with successful collectible card games into our HEX engine. Our tools bridge the gap between design and engineering to allow rapid prototyping focused on creativity to generate the best content possible by featuring state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning systems. As with all high-performance engines, ours gets crisper the more it runs. With multiple games in development, and learnings being applied across a spectrum of releases, the future is looking bright at HEX Games.


The key to our success is building Creative, Collaborative Game teams spanning a variety of disciplines that honor the expertise each person brings into the lab. Working together, we develop a product and engagement mix that allows the brightest work of each contributor to shine.


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